Page 122 - Atlas of Creation Volume 2
P. 122
Age: 150 million years
Period: Upper Jurassic
Location: Charente Maritime, France
Evolutionists claim that fish evolved from invertebrate sea creatures; amphibians and present-day
fish from one supposedly "ancestral" fish. Reptiles in turn arose from amphibians; birds and mam-
mals developed independently from reptiles. And, finally, apes and human beings evolved from a
common ancestor, now extinct.
In order to prove these claims scientifically, it is necessary to find intermediate forms to show the
transitional changes between one of these "former" species and their more recent counterparts.
But as mentioned earlier, there is no trace of these imaginary creatures. On the contrary, all pre-
sent-day species have the same characteristics that they possessed millions of years ago. This 150-
million-year-old sea urchin is just one of the hundreds of thousands of fossils that prove this.
120 Atlas of Creation Vol. 2