Page 124 - Atlas of Creation Volume 2
P. 124
Age: 70 million years
Period: Cretaceous
Location: Belgium
At every turn, the fossil record clearly contradicts the theory of evolution. Crabs are members
of the Decapoda (10-legged) order of the phylum of Crustacean. Crabs have existed unchanged
for millions of years, and therefore they are one of the living beings disproving the story of
evolution. The fossilized crab pictured here is 70 million years old and displays the same phys-
iological characteristics as crabs that are alive today.
Crabs have not changed in 70 million years' time which disproves the theory of evolution's
claim that living species evolved from one another over millions of years. This and similar fos-
sils prove the fact that crabs did not evolve but were created by Almighty God.
122 Atlas of Creation Vol. 2