Page 16 - Atlas of Creation Volume 2
P. 16


                     I n schools just about everywhere in the world, the biology textbooks used to teach students set out a
                     false story of life. What students read under the heading of "The Theory of Evolution" in fact consists of to-
                     tally faulty mechanisms, false proofs, conjectural illustrations and drawings, wrongly interpreted fossils and
                     a spurious history of living things.
                          This myth, the subject of textbooks and repeated countless times by instructors every week, is regarded

                     as so factual that hardly anyone exposed to an education feels the slightest doubt as to the accuracy of evo-
                     lution. Students all imagine that they have received an education that will serve them in good stead through-
                     out life. Such people will probably be bewildered to learn that they have been taught a lie on such an
                     exceedingly important subject—one that includes the very meaning of life—under a scientific guise.
                          The fact is, however, that a determined effort is being made to impose this lie on the public, and being

                     carried out all over the world. It is an invented and designed lie, being taught in all schools. False proofs and
                     erroneous stories regarding the history of life are manufactured in the most of the media. Experts on the sub-
                     ject, even some Nobel-Prize winning scientists, espouse a lie and advocate a deception. The "history of life"
                     that instructors have taught for so many years is a false scenario—an alliance perpetrating across the world
                     a coordinated deception whose name is evolution.
                          The sole reason for this alliance's growing strength and the way it dominates school textbooks and occu-

                                                                          The media constantly presents Darwinist tales, products of the imagi-
                                                                          nation, under a scientific guise. Some publishing organs have even
                                                                          willingly assumed the task of defending the theory of evolution. This
                                                                          leads them to portray false proofs that seem to support evolution—a
                                                                          theory devoid of any scientific worth—as irrefutable truths and to im-
                                                                          pose evolution unconditionally on the public consciousness.

                                                                                    The emergence of new

                           Neanderthal Man:
                     The Search for Second Humans       Was it the first to leave

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