Page 21 - Atlas of Creation Volume 2
P. 21

Harun Yahya

            tally ideological reasons, not scientific ones. It was developed in order to turn peo-
            ple away from their faith in God and to offer them an alternative to the fact of
            Creation. It was an adaptation to natural history of the materialist logic being dis-
            seminated across the globe with that aim in mind. That the theory was being pro-                                                   Permian

            posed in the name of science was accepted, again due to the primitive state of
            science at the time. The claim's illogicality was plain to see, but under the scien-
            tific standards of the era, evidence that would reveal the theory's entire lack of
            proof had not yet been understood.
                 The roughly one century and a half that followed rapidly provided count-
            less scientific proofs that demonstrated the invalidity of Darwin's hypothesis

            and the fact that it was totally invalid. The facts revealed by the science of ge-
            netics completely eradicated the idea that species "descended" from one an-
            other through minute changes. Genes, as we now know, are exceedingly
            complex and delicate. Any mutation will have an adverse, damaging effect
            on them. It is therefore impossible for totally unconscious, random changes

            to occur in genes so that an organism's structure is converted into another
            with different functions. (For details, see Darwinism Refuted, by Harun
            Yahya, from Goodword Publishing.)
                 The fossil record also represents a major disappointment for latter-                                                           Younger Carboniferous
            day Darwinists. None of the intermediate form fossils that Darwin
            expected to be discovered some day in the future has actually

            been unearthed. The idea that the fossil record is "inadequate"
            is now no longer part of the Darwinist credo, because the Earth
            has yielded up almost all existing specimens. A large part of
            the planet has been investigated, and paleontology reveals

            that in fact, there is not one single example of a "transition."                                                                   lder Carboniferous
            Living things that existed hundreds of millions of years ago
            have never changed in all that time.                                                                                               Ol
                 The late Harvard University evolutionist paleontologist
            Stephen Jay Gould openly states that Darwin was in fact

             Fossils are one of the main sources of infor-
             mation about the different periods in the
             Earth's history. They provide information                                                                                         Cambrian
             not just about natural history, but about the
             history of the Earth itself. Specific types of
             fossil are found only in specific strata
             and in specific types of sedimentary
             Fossil groups are unique to each
             consecutive rock stratum and rep-
             resent a form of signature of that
             stratum, enabling paleontolo-
             gists to date it accurately.

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