Page 25 - Atlas of Creation Volume 2
P. 25
Harun Yahya
Evolutionists imagine that they can attain their
objectives by these methods, because museum visi-
tors are unaware that there is not one single intermedi-
ate-form fossil to support the theory of evolution—and
that living fossils that have remained unchanged for
millions of years, contrary to the claims of the theory
of evolution, lie concealed in storage areas, often di-
rectly beneath the displays themselves.
In fact, the efforts made by evolutionists are all
hollow. No intermediate-form fossils documenting
evolution on Earth have ever been discovered. There
remains not the slightest trace of these imaginary, pe-
culiar and semi-developed creatures that should have existed over the course of mil-
lions of years. The evolutionary process is merely a belief—a hope that Darwinists
wish would come true. Yet the fossil record has never permitted this dream to be-
come a reality. Countless fossils have been unearthed from just about all over the
world. Yet the intermediate-form fossils that were missing in Darwin's time are just
as absent today. And it is impossible that they can ever be found, because evolution
has never happened. By inventing fictitious theories, constructing their own imagi-
nary intermediate forms out of plaster and bakelite, and producing "reconstruc-
tions" and "artist's conceptions" to illustrate the supposed lives of those
intermediate forms, Darwinists seek to breathe life into a supposed evolution.
The fact is, however, that their efforts can never bear fruit. Conditions now are
different from those in Darwin's time. Scientific facts are now emerging into the
light, and new discoveries constantly reveal proofs of the fact of Creation. No
Darwinist can any longer maintain that the fossil record is insufficient. Scientific
Every fossil that Darwinists unearth, they seek to portray as supporting their theories. By making use of the pub-
lic's lack of knowledge of scientific matters, they feel free to distort the facts. One method they resort to most fre-
quently is to portray extinct life forms as evidence for their evolutionary scenario. The fossils exhibited in a great
many museums are accompanied by evolutionist comments—which comments in fact have no scientific value.
Adnan Oktar 23