Page 28 - Atlas of Creation Volume 2
P. 28

                                                                                       THE PILTDOWN MAN
                     cently deceased human. They named it Piltdown
                     Man and exhibited this forgery for the next 40 years.                              HOAX
                     This hoax fossil, displayed in the British Museum,                                 HOAX
                     was hurriedly removed once the deception in-

                     volved came to light.
                          Nebraska Man was the subject of countless imaginary illustra-
                     tions and reconstructions—all based on a single tooth! Looking at
                     just that single tooth, evolutionists claimed that this had come
                     from an intermediate-form fossil that combined human and ape
                     features. But this tooth was later determined to belong to a wild

                     boar. Similarly, the fossils that countless museum visitors en-
                     counter as supposed "evidence of evolution" are the product of
                     just such fraudulent logic.
                          The evolutionist paleontologist George Gaylord Simpson, of
                                                                                                            F FALSE
                     the American Museum of Natural History, admits the intermedi-
                     ate-form problem confronting evolutionists:
                          This is true of all thirty-two orders of mammals . . . The earliest

                          and most primitive known members of every order already
                          have the basic ordinal characters, and in no case is an approxi-
                          mately continuous sequence from one order to another known.
                          In most cases the break is so sharp and the gap so large that the

                          origin of the order is speculative and much disputed. . .

                          This regular absence of transitional forms is not confined to
                          mammals, but is an almost universal phenomenon, as has long

                          been noted by paleontologists. It is true of almost all classes of
                          animals, both vertebrate and invertebrate . . . it is true of the
                          classes, and of the major animal phyla, and it is apparently also
                          true of analogous categories of plants. 6

                          Despite their total lack of evidence, evolutionists still main-
                     tain that "Living things evolved." This claim involves millions of
                     species that cannot possibly have existed, much less emerged. Yet
                     evolutionists maintain that they developed during the course of a

                     process—evolution—that cannot be explained. The impos-
                     sibility of protein emerging spontaneously in
                     a mindless environment has been proven.
                     Yet according to evolution, such a mira-
                     cle did take place, and protein came
                     into existence as the result of chance.

                     Piltdown Man, portrayed for 43 years as
                     highly significant evidence confirming evolu-
                     tion, turned out to be a hoax. In 1953, investi-
                     gations into the skull revealed that Piltdown
                     Man was no fossil, but a forgery produced by
                     combining human and orangutan bones.

                     Right: Excavations at Piltdown, birthplace of
                     the Piltdown Man scandal

                 26 Atlas of Creation Vol. 2
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