Page 30 - Atlas of Creation Volume 2
P. 30

                        EVOLUTIONISTS CLAIM THAT


                                              BUT NOT A SINGLE ONE
                                               BUT NOT A SINGLE ONE

                                    he theory of evolution claims that living things devel-
                               Toped or "descended" into other life forms under the ef-

                               fects of mutations. Modern science, however, has made it
                               clear that this is a grave deception. There is not a single in-
                               termediate form to indicate that modern life forms have di-
                               versified through minute changes.

                     According to the theory of evolution, all the species now living and that have ever lived on Earth are all
                     descended from one another. According to that theory, the transition from one species to another took
                     place slowly and progressively. Therefore, according to this claim, various life forms representing a
                     transition between two species and bearing some of the features of each must have existed once.

                     According to evolutionist claims, for example, life forms with vestigial gills and rudimentary lungs,
                     with appendages that are half fins and half feet, must have existed for millions of years between fish
                     could finally emerge—and survive—on dry land, before turning into reptiles. Evolutionists refer to
                     these imaginary creatures they believe once lived in the past as "intermediate forms."

                     Were the theory of evolution actually true, then many such creatures must have existed in the past.
                     Their numbers and types must have numbered in the millions, even in the billions. And the remains of
                     at least a few of these monstrous life forms should be found in the fossil record.

                                                             However, to date not a single intermediate form fossil has ever been
                                                                 encountered. Indeed, Charles Darwin, who first proposed the the-
                                                                  ory, wrote this in the chapter "Difficulties on Theory" in his book

                                                                  The Origin of Species:

                                                                                                       A A     F F i i c c t t i i t t i i o o u u s s

                                                                                                       I I l l l l u u s s t t r r a a t t i i o o n n

                      The half-reptile, half-fish
                      creatures pictured here never
                      existed. There is not the
                      slightest evidence to support
                      such Darwinist claims.

                 28 Atlas of Creation Vol. 2
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