Page 23 - Atlas of Creation Volume 2
P. 23
Harun Yahya
There is none! This once again shows that the reasons to support Darwinism are ideological, rather
than scientific. The scientific protocol requires that a hypothesis should first be stated, and then turned
into a law only after proofs are supplied. However, this does not apply to evolution, where there is not
a single piece of evidence to support the theory. Nonetheless, it still maintains its place in textbooks and
still appears in the media, in highly misleading reports. It is protected by laws and preserved through
the logic of "it is immutable, and no decision against it can be made." The sole reason for this is that the
theory of evolution is a dogmatic belief, not a scientific thesis.
The fossil record constantly refutes Darwinism's claims and points to the fact of Creation. All
Darwinists' efforts to prove otherwise have ended in failure. The evidence in the sedimentary rocks
documents and clearly
declares that living
things never underwent
evolution. Two of the
greatest proofs of this
are—again—the ab-
sence of any intermedi-
ate form fossils and the
stagnant "stasis" in the
fossil record itself.