Page 24 - Atlas of Creation Volume 2
P. 24


                                                     FOSSILS IS A DECEPTION

                          The evolutionist Dr. David Raup, curator of geology at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago,
                     has this to say:

                          Darwin's theory of natural selection has always been closely linked to evidence from fossils, and probably
                          most people assume that fossils provide a very important part of the general argument that is made in favor
                                  of darwinian interpretations of the history of life. Unfortunately, this is not strictly true.  4

                                                 Visitors to any natural history museum encountered intense evolutionist propa-
                                                ganda. They are shown imaginary reconstructions and false handmade bones that

                                                 supposedly belong to our imaginary forebears. A single fossilized fragment of a
                                                 once-living thing, which constitutes no evidence for evolution, is depicted as highly
                                                  important "intermediate form evidence" of the fictitious transition from fish to am-
                                                    phibian. A rib bone—that obviously confirms the fact of Creation but which evo-
                                                     lutionists misinterpret and portray as "proof of evolution"—is exhibited with
                                                      enormous pride. Based on the detailed descriptions of supposed fossils and the

                                                         Latin names given them, a great many of those who examine these things are
                                                                        convinced that they are dealing with an evolutionary fact. Yet
                                                                              the museums' true objective is to give the impression that
                F FALSE                                                             play propaganda regarding something that has no
                                                                                   something exists when in fact it does not, and to dis-

                                                                                      existence at all.

                                                                                       Half-human, half-ape creatures never existed. The scien-
                                                                                       tific evidence shows that human beings have always ex-
                                                                                       isted as human beings. Evolutionists are careful to
                                                                                       conceal this fact, however, and they resort to various de-
                                                                                       ceptions to claim the opposite.

                 22 Atlas of Creation Vol. 2
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