Page 67 - Atlas of Creation Volume 2
P. 67
Harun Yahya
There is no difference between
lobsters living today and this
208- to 146-million-year-old
This is why they are literally in a state of panic and trying to keep their theory viable at any cost.
On the other hand, geneticists, zoologists and anatomists perceive that no mechanism in nature
could give rise to "punctuations," for which reason they insist on supporting the gradual Darwinist
theory of evolution. The Oxford University zoologist Richard Dawkins strongly criticizes adherents
of the punctuated model of evolution and accuses them of destroying the credibility of the theory as
a whole.
This inconclusive dialogue between the two sides is actually evidence of the scientific crisis into
which the theory of evolution has fallen. What we have is a myth that cannot be reconciled with any
experimental, observational or paleontological findings. All evolutionist theoreticians look for
grounds to support this myth, depending on their own field of specialization, but find themselves
in conflict with findings from other branches of science. Attempts are sometimes made to gloss over
this confusion by means of superficial comments such as "Science advances through such academic
debates." Yet the problem is that these debates are not mental gymnastics performed for the sake of
coming up with any true scientific theory, but are dogmatic conjecture intended to support a false
theory. The fact that evolutionary theoreticians inadvertently reveal is that the fossil record cannot
be reconciled with the concept of evolution in any way. And stasis, one of the most important ele-
ments in the fossil record, is clearly visible. Gould expresses this in these terms:
. . . stasis, inevitably read as absence of evolution, had always been treated as a non-sub-
ject. How odd though to define the most common of all palaeontological phenomena as
beyond interest or notice! 49
By now, all Darwinists have been forced to admit the fact of stasis in the fossil
record, which they are still reluctant to see, deliberately pushing into the background and
even refusing to accept as data. The lack of any documentation of fossils undergoing evolu-
tion—in other words, the absence of any intermediate forms—has done away with all
speculation regarding stasis and clearly reveals this as one of the most significant proofs
of the fact of Creation. Punctuated equilibrium has been totally discredited, both by
the very mechanisms it proposes and by the fossil record, which it seeks to put for-
ward as evidence.
Adnan Oktar 65