Page 68 - Atlas of Creation Volume 2
P. 68
hy, in his Origin of Species, did Darwin refer to living fossils as causing such a great difficulty?
Why, faced with these fossils, did evolutionist scientists feel the need to abandon their claims
W regarding gradual evolution and manufacture a new theory? Why did the capture of a living
coelacanth come as such a disappointment, silencing those evolutionists who had pinned all their hopes
on it? What is it about living fossils that has inflicted such a collapse on Darwinists?
It is that living fossils declare the fact of Creation.
The disappointment that Darwinists feel is due to their ideological devotion to their theories. In fact,
they have seen their theory demolished, but ignore this, even though they are perfectly well aware of it.
That they even resort to deceptive methods to cover it up is one of the greatest proofs of this. Instead of
admitting the fact of Creation in the face of living fossils, they resort to irrational, illogical theories de-
void of any scientific evidence. They seek to conceal living fossil specimens and eliminate millions of ex-
amples, while giving pride of place to hand-made hoaxes—a clear indication of their fears. The way that
museums display countless fabricated fossil "reconstructions" and depict highly complex life forms like
the coelacanth as examples of intermediate forms, while hiding away in the museum vaults fossils of
species that still exist today is most thought-provoking.
How scientific is it to adapt evidence to a theory, when the theory cannot be proven? By what right do
evolutionists suggest that their claims are proven and scientific, even though they have no evidence
whatsoever? Why does the scientific evidence they come up with embarrass them instead of supporting
them? What compels evolutionists to stand by their theory, despite the increasing weight of evidence
against it?
The reason is that Darwinism is a false religion and system of beliefs. Because it is a dogma that can
never be denied. Because it is the basis of materialist philosophy that maintains that matter has existed
for all time, and that nothing exists apart from matter. That is why, although new scientific evidence fur-
ther disproves the theory with every passing day, such efforts are maintained to keep it alive. Yet these
have now come to an end. The deceptive methods of Darwinism and Darwinists have failed. The evi-
dence that demolishes evolution is mounting day by day. New proofs of Creation that dash evolutionists'
hopes and force them to produce new misleading explanations are constantly emerging.
That is why living fossils leave Darwinists speechless, and are quietly hidden away in museum
vaults. With these methods, Darwinists try to conceal God's sublime artistry. The fact is, however, that
God is He Who creates all things, Who knows all that they do, and Who keeps them under His rule at all
times. God sees Darwinists as they make their plans against Him. God watches them as they seek to con-
ceal His sublime creative artistry. He writes down all they do as they deny His existence. And, whether
they believe it or not, willingly or unwillingly, they will be brought into His presence in the Hereafter.
This is the great truth of which Darwinists are unaware: God will surely baffle and disappoint those
who strive against Him. It is the law of God that will truly be victorious.
The existence of living fossils is a sublime proof created by God in order to eliminate all Darwinist
strategies and reveal all their frauds. As they strive against the true faith, Darwinists forget that God also
creates the evidence for it. They are in a state of defeat from the very outset. The teaching of the theory of
evolution in schools, speculation regarding evolutionist claims by various media organizations, and the
support gathered from scientists are all temporary phenomena. As revealed in the verse: "Rather We hurl
66 Atlas of Creation Vol. 2