Page 77 - The Prophet Yusuf (as)
P. 77

Yusuf's Days In The Dungeon (as)

            because the slanders against Prophet Yusuf (as) came to light by
            Allah’s permission. The ruler and the people learned the truth at the
            moment and in the manner Allah desired. The destiny Allah deter-

            mined went into effect and gave rise to the best and most favourable
                     Yet what Prophet Yusuf (as) says in the above verses is also
            most important. Despite the truth being out in the open, his being the
            victim of an obvious slander, his spending so many years in prison and

            being a servant raised to the status of prophet by Allah, Prophet Yusuf
            (as) did not attempt to deny the vulnerability of his own lower self. He
            also revealed another most important truth here; "The self indeed

            commands to evil acts — except for those my Lord has mercy on "
            This is something that believers need to bear in mind at every mo-
            ment of their lives. That is because every human being has earthly de-
            sires, and all people are tested at every moment throughout their lives.

            One’s desires may sometimes clash with one’s conscience, and a per-
            son will listen to the one or the other. Believers strive with the very
            greatest determination to heed the voice of their consciences which
            call them to what is pleasing to Allah, while other people live at the

            mercy of their desires.
                     If a believer loses sight of his task and succumbs to his de-
            sires he must repent and be more on his guard against the evils of
            those desires. That is because, as Allah has informed us in the Qur’an

            by means of the words of Prophet Yusuf (as), earthly desires always
            command one to commit evil acts.

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