Page 17 - Portfolio_Reza N.alizadeh
P. 17
Specific Architectural Design of an Earthquake Disaster Management Multi-Purpose Complex (EDMMC)
Iran is one of the most seismic countries in the world, and lots of earthquakes
occur in Iran every year. Some actions and researches have been taken
place in Earthquake Disaster Risk Management (EDRM) since 1990 after
large earthquake of Manjil-Rudbar in northern Iran. One of the main
subjects in EDRM is Community Based Disaster Risk Management
This research presents the idea of Earthquake Disaster Management Region 6 Weaknesses
Multipurpose Complex (EDMMC) with self-help neighborhood approach that
has been proposed for making CBDRM feasible in each neighborhood of a
large city like Tehran. Lack of Enough Green Spaces Lack of Enough Fire Fighting St
To achieve a powerful community-based disaster risk management
(CBDRM), self-help neighborhood capabilities should be increased.
As per statistics from the last earthquakes in few years ago, 80 per cent
of the survivors were rescued, by fellow citizens, 17 per cent by local
relief staff, and 3 per cent by international relief staff. School
The main idea is considering some EDMMC in each neighborhood area of
region 6 of Tehran. Before earthquake, These centers could be as Universities, Cultural
Schools, Hospitals, Parks & Gardens… but after earthquake they can provide Center
facilities for wounded people in each neighborhood area. University
Sport Yard Green Space Existing Fire Station
Out of Park Services Required Fire Station
Green Space
Lack of Enough Parking Spaces Distressed Area
Research Objectives Hypothesis
• General Objectives -There is a high possibility to occur one large earthquake in Tehran in the near future.
-Design of EDMMC that has different functions before and after the -There are not enough hospitals, relief center and fire station for helping to wounded people after earthquake in Tehran.
earthquake, before earthquake EDMMC is a school with high building Required Area Existing Less Durable Buildings
resistance and after earthquake is one shelter as CBDRM for helping to This research has 2 main parts :
wounded people in neighborhood area
-Reducing the casualty of an earthquake disaster 1. EDMMC IN REGION 6 OF TEHRAN: Identify Safe Places in Region 6 for EDMMC Centers These threats could increase the number of casualties after
2. Architectural Design: Designing one EDMMC Center according to architectural seismic resistance regulation. earthquake in region 6, So they should be considered.
• Specific Objectives • Before earthquake is a public school
-Enhance public knowledge about CBDRM • After earthquake is an emergency shelter 17
-Narrowing of the gap between theory and reality