Page 12 - Portfolio_Reza N.alizadeh
P. 12
Sustainable Mountain Resort
Site Analysis
Site Location :
Mountain campsite is located in northern side of Tehran, Iran.
The city of Tehran sprawls over an area of 600 square kilometers Access To The Site
on the southern slope of the Alborz mountains.
Ferdowsi and Jamshidieh parks are situated at the base of this
range, at the Manzariyeh district of northern suburbs, which lies
500 meters above central Tehran. Covering an area of 30 Water tank
hectares in the Darabad valley. Winter wind
Sun Direction
Floor-Level Section-Night
Night wind
Wind Direction
Wind Draft
Winter wind Water tank
-Putting some cubic shapes on different levels of the mountain,
Therefore each cubic shape has its own views.
-Then cubic shapes are transformed into irregular and organic shapes.
-High winds flow from the west to east, Therefore that area is blocked Day wind Floor-Level Section-Day
with the satires, and also wind turbines are used in that area.