Page 10 - Portfolio_Reza N.alizadeh
P. 10

New Jolfa SWOT Analysis
       New Jolfa
     New Julfa is the Armenian quarter of Isfahan, Iran, located along the south
     bank of the Zayande River.                                                         -Strong socio-cultural environments. The social aspect is the main characteristic of Jolfa.
     New Julfa was established in 1606 as an Armenian quarter.Over                      -The Armenian people of Jolfa protect their historic district as the symbols of the
     150,000 Armenians were moved there from the older Julfa in Nakhichavan.            Armenian culture.
     New Julfa is still an Armenian-populated area with an Armenian school              -Pedestrian roads of Jolfa have streams and green passages.
     and several churches, including the Holy Savior Cathedral. New Julfa had           -One of the main characteristics of Jolfa district is its Madies (Madi is a water channel
     between 10,000–12,000 Armenian inhabitants.                                        which is smaller than river and bigger than stream that mostly designed for
                                                                                        agricultural purposes). The importance of Madi has been not only in their physical
                                                                                        beauty but in their social and ecological functions.
                                                                                        -Although the district and most of their buildings are historical, 78% constructions are
                                                                                        considered durable.

                                                                                        -In these years, Zayandeh River is changed from a permanent river to a seasonal river
                                                                                        because of climate changes and mismanagement in water divisions.
                                                                                        -Some gardens and Madies are lost because of Zayandeh river drought.
                                                                                        -22% of constructions are considered as less durable or not durable.
                                                                                        -Some unrelated buildings built in this historic district.


                                                                                         -The district could completely lose its ecological context and environment because of
                                                                                         wrong decisions and mismanagement in water divisions of Zayandeh river.
                                                                                         -If the Armenians leave the Jolfa district, the strong cultural and historical aspects of the
                                                                                         district would be lost.
                                                                                         -By increasing the value of land, the district would lose its gardens.
                                                                                         - 22%  of buildings of the district are not resistant to natural disasters such as earthquake.


                                                        Zayandeh River                  -Environment aspects of one area helped to the historical continuity. By strong
                                                                                        management, Zayandeh river would flow as a permanent river again and then gardens
                                           Madi (small branch of river)                 and agricultural areas could develop again.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            10
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