Page 4 - Kwasind_May/June Issue
P. 4

   Chris Mitchele
With the introduction of our new Kwasind double issues, making print deadlines means that I am drafting this
in early April. By the time you read this, our AGM will • be over, the Squash finals and closing dinner will have capped another great Squash Season, spring boat work will be in full swing and almost complete, Sailpast
will be right around the corner and our newly renovated Island Clubhouse will soon be open for business. The 2018 season is shaping up to be spectacular!
As mentioned at the AGM and in the 2018 Annual Report, the Cornerstone Project was the impetus to • signal to our current Members, and prospective new Members, that the RCYC is an innovative, supportive, service-oriented community that delivers exceptional experiences. It is this sense of community that will sustain the RCYC for years to come. We have been enjoying the City Clubhouse renovations for a few months now, the activity in the Club seems to be at
an all time high – and not just in the new Bistro: Fitness programs continue to be well supported; we had more than 200 enrolled in Spring Squash programs that ended in May, plus 180 Juniors; the Short Mat Lawn Bowling in the Sports Hall has been a big success – which many were able to try out at April’s Sailebration, and our Thursday night Racing in the Pool continues to grow.
Come May, we will finally be able to enjoy all of the renovations and see what a huge difference this • change will now offer over on the Island – to the physical assets as well as the enhancements that this refreshed and renewed environment will deliver as the Island comes to life. Let me share some of them with you below.
completed. This is good timing as we plan to grow Adult Sailing by 30% this summer.
We have an exciting new fleet of VX Ones emerging at RCYC – the result of an incredible display of many diverse Members (and ages!) congregating to support its development. We have at least four local regattas on the calendar, with the potential of an additional two in the U.S. We also have a few “Family Sails” on four Sunday mornings throughout the summer planned, with fun harbour racing in the afternoons.
As you have heard, the theme of Youth has been a big part of much of our programming and recent successes – in Squash and Sailing. Our investment in our Youth sailors is so important for the sustainability of our Club and the sport of sailing. With that I look forward to another important event this summer when the RCYC hosts the 2018 Canadian Youth Championships at the end of August with 300 participants expected from across Canada. Invited classes are: Laser, Laser Radial, Club 420, International 420, 29er, RSX 8.5, and the Nacra 15. This event is the first step for a sailor wishing to qualify to represent Canada at the 2019 Youth World Championships. The Organizing Committee is calling for volunteers for positions both on land and on water. Possible volunteer jobs include: dockmaster, registration, information desk, timer, scorer, mark-set, and more.
The Cruising Sailor Squadron’s very successful “No Boat, No Problem” event at Royal Weekend for Members who do not own boats will be repeated. This year the event will be held on June 2nd prior to the CSS Barbeque. We look to grow participation in this event this year.
 • The results of the Sailing Survey are in and they are positive! Satisfaction levels are high, and respondents have noticed improvements in our program offerings. The topic that received the most negative reviews was the condition of the Ideal 18s. As such, I am pleased that this has been addressed in this year’s budget. The Ideal 18s are heavily used by a large group of Members and serve a broad range of needs from beginner to advanced with more than 150 active Members in programs that run most nights such as Women’s Learn to Sail, Team Racing and fleet racing. Investment in this fleet is going to rebuilding the keels, replacing all the running rigging, and ensuring that any soft deck and bow repairs are
• We are all proud of becoming the official home to Warrior Sailing Canada, a program for wounded veterans and active service members, where we will partner with Soldier On Canada and Warrior Sailing USA.
With this strong level of programming and focus I feel proud of our Club and what we are achieving.
Of course, we are all looking forward to the opening of our new Island Clubhouse facilities. Please be sure to join me on the front lawn as we officially open the island at Sailpast on May 19th. We are under a very tight and aggressive schedule to be ready for Sailpast, but we expect great things. We know that there will be some impacts to Members as we return to our
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