Page 5 - Kwasind_May/June Issue
P. 5
Roberta Hague
Rear Commodore, Sports & Social
In case you haven’t been following the discussion on issues with alcohol consumption at the Island, here’s a quick background. In recent years, the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario regulation evolved; there had been alcohol-related ‘incidents’ at the Club which drew attention from the authorities; and, those issues led to increased scrutiny in the form of inspections, during which violations by Members were witnessed. These developments led to Management’s appeal to Members to abide by the laws so as to protect the Club’s liquor license, which is worth over $2 million in revenue each summer season, and to mitigate potential liability.
The Sports & Social Committee believed we could develop a solution that would meet key objectives: to continue to have fun, while providing a respectful environment that supports the safety and security of Members and guests, and protect the Club, its Liquor License, and its Employees and Members.
Now it’s time to provide an update on our progress.
A liquor policy for the Island was developed and broadly communicated. It envisions the Island as designated into three areas:
1. Liquor-licensed Areas: Clubhouse including the
Front Lawn (including Rose Garden), pool area, event lawn area north of bowling green, and Racing Lawn area. Consumption of personal alcohol is not permitted in these areas.
2. Public Areas: Encompass the entire main island on the west side, up to and including the pool area. No alcohol is permitted in the public area outside the Club-served, Liquor-licensed Areas. No personal alcohol is permitted anywhere in the Public Areas, including at the pool.
3. Private Area: Begins east of the pool, and includes the dinghy docks, Snug Island and South Island. Members and their guests can legally consume personal alcohol in the private areas of the Club if all of the conditions set out in the law are met, including – your boat is tied to the dock or land, and has a cooking facility, sanitary facility and sleeping accommodation.
A landscaping plan is being implemented to demarcate the liquor-licensed areas. This summer, you can anticipate new planting of yew hedges to replace the temporary white fencing. There will be openings in the planting to allow for movement of boats. You will also see new signage welcoming RCYC Members and their Guests as they enter the Private Area of the Club. Over the summer, we will assess if anything further is required to ensure we continue to meet the objectives we set out.
We appreciate your support of these important developments.