Page 6 - Kwasind_May/June Issue
P. 6

   David Brightling
General Manager & CEO
With the production and mailing schedule for Kwasind, I am writing my May-June column over the Easter long weekend and many will have read it already through Hiawatha, our weekly e-newsletter. The message is being repeated for the benefit of our out of town and out of country Members and for those for whom we have no email address. If you are one of these – about one third of the Membership – and would like to receive more timely news through Hiawatha, please contact Alexandra Serrano at alexandra.serrano@ or at 416 967 7245 ext. 214.
As I write, the first boats have been launched, Island Clubhouse renovations are on track for completion by Sailpast and water levels are a little higher than usual, with record amounts being released at the east end of the lake. All indications point to a wonderful sailing season ahead. There will be some differences this year due to the completion of the Cornerstone Project and the residual effects of last year’s flood, which I explain below.
Cornerstone Project
Project Manager Colin Flock has been providing regular progress reports on Cornerstone through his popular video updates and as I write, the Island renovations are on time, on budget and looking spectacular. Due to pre-Sailpast construction, some early season events traditionally hosted on the Island are being held at the City Clubhouse. These include:
• The Cruising Sailors Squadron Dinner on Saturday May 5th; and,
• Mother’s Day Brunch & Dinner on Sunday May 13th.
This means an extended inaugural season for ‘Bistro 1852’ with the last evening of live music being held on Saturday, May 12th. Our newly renovated Island Clubhouse will open for business on Sailpast weekend. Initial Hours of Operation for the various areas and the rules for each will be included in next week’s “Hiawatha” and posted on our website on May 19th at These have been developed by the Sports and Social Committee and the Food and Beverage Team based on their collective thoughts on how the various sections will be used. Ultimately, Members will determine usage patterns and we ask for your patience and understanding during the early days as we learn how to operate the new layout and fine- tune operations as required.
Your feedback during this period is welcome and will be particularly helpful. Please use the Comment Cards at your table or write c/o or directly to the Food and Beverage Team at feedback. All feedback will be recorded, analyzed and summarized for Committee and Management review. We acknowledge receipt of all email correspondence and Comment Cards that include email addresses.
Residual Flood Damage
The Island Clubhouse renovation is not the only construction on the Island this spring. The flood-damaged interlocking brick walkways from the rain dock to the pool building have been levelled. Many trees are being pruned with those that did not survive the flood being removed for safety. Here is an update on what conditions you may expect on the Island this season:
• The new floating docks will arrive in late April with installation scheduled for completion on May 7th. We ask for your patience if you have to gypsy for a few weeks in May before your dock is installed and ready for use. Jonathan Fredrick will be managing temporary allocations during this time and may be reached at
• As mentioned above, the interlocking brick walkway along the south shore of North Island has been levelled as far as the pool, as has the walkway from the gas dock leading to the Rainbow bridge. Walkway repairs along the south shore of South Island and along Snug Island are also nearing completion. Levelling of the walkway on the north shore of North Island will follow. All will be completed well in advance of Sailpast.
• The Snug Island Cottage suffered some flood damage and has some mould. We have been advised that it “cannot be used for its current purpose”. Childcare and day camps have been relocated to the City Clubhouse and details are available online at The Planning Committee is assessing the future of the cottage as part of its master planning review of Snug Island.
• The Snug Island playground is beyond its useful life and has been removed at the advice of our insurance advisors. The Planning Committee is looking into the location of a new playground area as part of its master planning work, as outlined above. Meanwhile, Sports Director Taylor Fawcett and his team are developing some ideas for

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