Page 24 - Holiday Issue
P. 24
Liliana Martins
Childcare would like to wish all Members and their families a a a a Happy Holiday Save the Date for PA DAY Friday November 16th: DIY Workshop Day Friday December 7th: Artistic Workshop Day Playschool Program – 18 months and up Morning 9:00 am to 12:00 pm Afternoon 12:00 pm pm to 3:00 pm pm Our program aims to provide school readiness so that children have a a a a strong foundation for their growth and development Program activities include sensory and creative learning circle time arts & crafts science and motor activities all provided in an an atmosphere of care and warm This is is a a a a a monthly program where you can choose 2 3 4 or 5 days per week For more information please refer to the Childcare section of the website at rcyc ca ca or call 416 934 4420
5:00 pm pm to 8:00 pm pm Family Gingerbread house Festive arts & crafts Letter writing to Santa
Family Games (Dodgeball etc ) Movie
Cost*: $28 00 00 Family/Members $35 00 00 Family/Guests
*includes one Gingerbread house house & man per family additional houses are available for $14 00 each and must be reserved in advance Register by Monday November 19th
Buffet Dinner Adults: $18 95 95 Child: $9 95 95 Photos: Courtesy of Childcare department 24 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2018 • KWASIND
Family Night
Holiday Party November 23
Reserve online or with Member Services