P. 14

U.2  Argue viewpoints and opinions logic ally and coherently in written compositions.

    Class Hours/   Tutoring   Learning   Independent hours including   Assessment tools
 Thematic Units   Teaching Component   Hours   application   research and community
 Teacher’s   Cooperati   and     service
 assistance   ve     experimenting
 2.1 Culture, Identity, and Homeland:   1   0   0   0   1   Workshops
 Writing a division paragraph and essay
 Reading for writing: To be an American,   1   0   1   0   1   Questionnaires
 Black, Catholic, and Creole

 Writing: First draft and then expand it to   1   0   0   0   2   Mind maps
 an essay; What logical division is and why
 it is important logical division
 The writing process: Select a topic, topic   1   1   1   0   2   Essays

 Revising: Composition focus-Expanding a   1   1      0   2   Quiz
 paragraph to an essay. Outlining and
 Final Draft   1   1   1   6   2   Presentations

 Chapter Review   2   1   0   0   2   Writing
 SUBTOTAL HOURS   8   4   3   6   12   TOTAL       30
 Unit Learning outcome: Explain personal opinions, standpoints, and conclusions in a convincing, logical manner from an intrapersonal perspective.

 Learning Methodologies: Collaborative Learning; Problem based learning PBL and Project Based Learning.

 Educational Strategies: Discussions, Mind Maps, Lectures, Simulations, Workshops.

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