P. 29

Step 4.- First Draft

                                       ¨Superheroes for a Smile¨
              This group social founded by the doctor Patricio Andrade and his wife, have the objective of
              give  hope  at  many  child  that  have  oncological  diseases.  Along  with  other  friends  and
              volunteers they have been developing this project. They are all common people, they do not
              have any superpowers. Many of them are doctors, architects, teachers, students, etc. But they
              have the desire to help others. This group has  been in operation  for some  years and  its
              objective is to raise the self-esteem and happiness of children with illness. This social group
              has performed some events to collect money and deliver to hospitals. I think this project done
              by these people is very good because they give their time so that children with illness can
              have a happy moment.

              Step 5. - Final Draft

                                       ¨Superheroes for a Smile¨
              ¨Superheroes for a Smile¨ is a social group from the city of Quito with one objective in
              common, to raise the state of children with oncological diseases. For this reason and with this
              goal in mind, Dr. Patricio Andrade and his wife decided to create this group with friends and
              other volunteers. The work they do is to provide a time of fun and entertainment for children
              in hospitals that have oncological diseases and thus bring joy to children so that this way they
              can overcome its difficulties with a positive attitude. So they do a different job, Dr. Andrade
              along  with  the  volunteers  of  the  group  dress  up  with  costumes  of  characters  of  comics,
              animes,  films  well  known  by  the  children.  For  example  Superman,  Captain  America,
              Kaliman, etc, are some of the costumes they wear. When children see their favorite characters
              or heroes their happiness grows and this makes their mood great and at the same time gives
              them  the  courage to  continue their treatment  in  the  hospital.  Another way  to  help  these
              children is through donations, the group performs events where it collects money or other
              necessary things for these children and their families. In conclusion I think that this social
              group does a very good project because it is not interested in self-interest but is interested in
              the benefit of people with difficulties.

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