Page 35 - CONSTRUCTION VISION July August 2017 issue
P. 35


                  ditya Birla Group chairman    Given that two large deals           are based on the premise of
                  Kumar Mangalam Birla,         including Lafarge and Jaypee are     infrastructure development.
           Awhose UltraTech Cement on           done do you see more scope for
                                                                                     Grasim still gets the holding
           Thursday completed the acquisition   consolidation in the industry?
                                                                                     company discount. Right?
           of Jaypee group's six cement plants
                                                I don't think that there is any trigger
           and five grinding units for  16,159
                                                for consolidation now.
           crore, spoke in an interview about                                        It's a holding company one way but it
                                                When do we see UltraTech hitting
           the group's business plans. Edited                                        has operating assets. So I will call it
                                                100 mt of cement capacity?
           excerpts:                                                                 a quasi-holding company. I think that
                                                100 is actually a mirage. We never   the task for the management of
           What does this deal mean for
                                                said 100. It's basically about the   Grasim is to ensure that discount
                                                value that we create. I am sure we   goes down substantially.
           This deal primarily gives us complete
                                                will go beyond 100 at some point in   At a point of time, you were
           geographical coverage including
                                                time.                                looking overseas for acquisition in
           eastern Uttar Pradesh and coastal
                                                How much time will it take the       the cement space. Is the plan still
           Andhra Pradesh.
                                                acquisition to be value accretive?   on?
           We didn't have a presence there.
                                                It will take eight quarters for it to be   No. Now our focus is completely on
           In some States, we were there but
                                                EPS accretive.                       India. Now the action is in India so
           not strong enough like in                                                 that focus has to be here.
                                                Cement prices are quite
           Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh.
                                                depressed. What is your take on      When can we expect the payments
           Also, the complexity of setting up
                                                the matter?                          bank to start?
           greenfield assets is still there.
                                                Prices are very much a product of    It will be sometime in July but it will
           What will your focus be now?
                                                demand and supply. It is very difficult   be a phased launch.
           Now the focus is on upgrading these   to make a projection. This is an
                                                                                     What's the update on Idea-
           assets, retrofitting them, improving   existing plant that we are taking over.
                                                                                     Vodafone merger?
           efficiency and utilising the capital.  There is no new capacity addition so
                                                                                     Merger of Idea and Vodafone is on
                                                I don't see prices going up or down
           Whole focus is now on consolidation                                       track and is expected to be
                                                after this transaction.
           and getting returns out of these
                                                                                     completed by the middle of 2018.
           assets. We will invest a further  500   Demand for housing is not picking
                                                                                     Are you seeking a bailout package
           crore to  700 crore spread over the   up. Is it affecting cement demand?
                                                                                     like other telcos?
           next two years.
                                                Housing is one sector that is yet to
                                                                                     Idea has made some representation
           How does this deal impact the        take off. It has a big bearing on
                                                                                     on the issue to the Government.
           financials?                           cement growth. One is banking on
                                                housing infrastructure development   GST rollout starts July 1...?
           Even after such a significant
                                                when we do deals like this one. I
           investment, the financials are very                                        GST is a structural move in the right
                                                think affordable housing needs to
           strong. Our debt to equity is about                                       direction. It could take a few months
                                                reach a scale to affect demand for
           0.6, debt to EBITDA is 2.6.                                               to settle down. It's one of another
                                                cement but that trajectory is great not   fundamental shift and it will make us
           Generally, after such big acquisitions,
                                                only for cement but the economy as   a much more robust economy.
           the financials are stretched so it
                                                a whole.
           speaks volumes about the financial                                         What's happening in the financial
                                                We see a policy push for
           health of the company.                                                    services space?
                                                infrastructure but don't see things
           Are you looking at refinancing                                             Our financial services business will
                                                moving on the ground?
           your loans for UltraTech?                                                 be listed in the middle of August and
                                                Some sectors are good like roads,    Premji Invest has come in as value
           No, most of it is done and most of the
                                                railways, metros, irrigation but there   investors valuing ABCL at  32,000
           financing is at sub 8% level.
                                                is headroom for more development in   crore.
                                                the infra space. Investments like this
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