Page 36 - CONSTRUCTION VISION July August 2017 issue
P. 36
onstruction Chemicals Market is huge number of infrastructure projects competition is rising high every moment.
expected to reach $40,154 million undertaken. As every construction company Several projects are being introduced in the
Cby 2022, supported by a CAGR of needs concrete admixture. It is an ingredient country in different sectors like power,
5.6% during the forecast period 2016 that is added to the blend either before or housing and in transportation. Foreign
2022. Construction chemicals are specialty during the time to transform concrete companies are also investing with the
products that are crucial for sustainable properties. Admixture is used in order to construction chemical companies in India
infrastructure and energy conservation in modify the properties of new and toughened that are helping to increase the foreign
construction industry to increase durability of concrete. money in India.
buildings, and to provide added fortification
from environmental hazards. A mineral admixture is used to increase the Construction chemical companies in India
workability of brand new concrete. It also are also working hard to spread awareness
Infrastructure is the most attractive segment helps to perfect the resistance level of about the benefits of using construction
in the world construction chemicals market. It concrete from thermal cracking, sulphate chemicals. With the help of advance
would be the first preference for new attack and the likes. Fly ash, silica fume and technology construction chemical companies
entrants due to surge in population and ground granulated blast furnace slag are in India are spreading their presence and
urbanization that drives the need for different mineral admixtures. quality work worldwide.
sustainable infrastructure and environmental
friendly products. Chemical products such as In order to lessen water content or cement The key players in the world construction
concrete admixtures similarly help in content and for the entertainment of air, chemicals market are adopting different key
minimizing the quantities of cement and construction companies make use of business strategies such as acquisition,
water generally required during the chemical admixture. There are seven types expansion, and product launch to withstand
construction. of admixtures that are used by construction in the global competitive market.
The global construction chemicals market is The market players in construction chemical
segmented based on type as concrete With the rapid growth of construction industry manufacturers include BASF SE, Arkema
admixtures, waterproofing & roofing, repair, in India, construction chemical companies in SA, Ashland Inc., Fosroc International
flooring, sealants & adhesives, and others. India have also been developed to a great Limited, Mapie S.p.A, Pidilite Industries,
extent. The last decade has seen a RPM International Inc., Sika AG, The Dow
The Asia-Pacific region has the highest tremendous growth in the construction Chemical Company and W.R. Grace &
consumption rate for admixtures owing to the chemical companies in India. The Company.