Page 57 - CONSTRUCTION VISION July August 2017 issue
P. 57

regardless of its size or duration – and can   Communication Software     When information moves quickly, so does
        even work in tandem with other software                                   your project. Having powerful communication
        solutions to automate ordering and   Good communication is the foundation for a   software in place on the job site is often the
        purchasing materials. This helps ensure that   successful construction project. A good   key difference between a project that runs
        everything necessary to complete a section   mobile software-based communication   smoothly and within budget and one that gets
        of the project on schedule is available when   platform is a great way to ensure that those   finished behind schedule or even halted
        and where it's needed.               lines of communication remain clear and   completely while various issues get sorted
                                             wide open between upper management and   out.
        Budget and Accounting Software       the site for the duration of the project.
                                                                                  These few examples provide just a thumbnail
        A good accounting solution helps keep   Better solutions integrate all levels of   sketch of the real impact that construction
        construction site jobs running smoothly by   communication from real-time conversations   software has on the average construction
        evaluating the costs involved in every phase   to emails, texts, and digital file sharing to   project. Your needs and those of your
        of a project.                        form a seamless communication network.   individual projects may vary.

        This helps to ensure that the funds are   Good communication software  also   This is why it is vital that you know what's out
        available to make necessary purchases and   streamlines the process of collaboration   there and how different kinds ofsoftware
        to cover other vital areas of project finance,   between contractors and subs as well as   solutions can help expedite and optimize
        not the least of which being payroll and other   between your company and your client's   processes you already have set in motion in
        funds necessary to maintain a solid   internal points of contact.         your company.

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