Page 56 - CONSTRUCTION VISION July August 2017 issue
P. 56

How Construction Management Software Impacts the Job Site

           t is somewhere between exceedingly   everything from estimation and planning to   - Resource optimization
           difficult and flat-out impossible to run a   budget management and cost control. It
                                                                                  - Cost analysis
         Imodern construction site without the aid   helps construction managers with resource
         of construction software. In fact, software   allocation and automates and streamlines   Scheduling Software
         does so much of the actual work these days   the generation of all kinds of paperwork.
                                                                                  There are few companies either inside or
         it actually cuts out a huge chunk of   Without these things there simply is no
                                                                                  outside the construction field that don't
         overhead, allowing your company to place   project to manage in the first place.
                                                                                  implement some kind of scheduling software
         more attractive bids, hire more skilled
                                             Project management software also provides   to keep projects moving forward smoothly.
         workers, and maintain a project that stays
                                             vital information to everyone involved in the
         well within budget. Here are several areas of                            In construction, this is especially important
                                             job from workers to upper management to
         the average construction job that are                                    since every part of the job has to be
                                             stakeholders and is often used to provide
         impacted greatly by the use of quality                                   completed in a specific order and within a
                                             evidence to support cost and labor
         construction software.                                                   given time frame. Among other things,
                                             estimates. Some of the typical issues
         Project Management Software                                              scheduling software assists in:
                                             covered by project planning software include:
                                             Providing an overview of every aspect of the
         Good project management software is an                                   - Leveling and resource assignment
                                             job (cost, duration, etc.)
         integral part of any construction job because
                                                                                  - Estimating project duration
         it does much of the legwork when it comes to
                                             - Early warning risk assessment
         planning and organizing projects.                                        - Accurate cost evaluation
                                             - Relationship between real-time estimates
         A comprehensive suite of digital project                                 Good scheduling software helps construction
                                             and historical information regarding the
         planning and management solutions does                                   managers organize an entire job –
                                             progression of the project
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