Page 51 - CONSTRUCTION VISION July August 2017 issue
P. 51


        extent of urbanization, demographics, and   industrial development on a large scale,”   projections prove true, it's not the only
        growth prospects,” says Baisiwala. For   says China property analyst John Lam. “The   industry that will benefit. “We believe that
        instance, China notched $1.9 trillion in GDP   skylines of some of China's biggest cities   strong growth in the property sector over the
        in 2004, compared to India's $1.8 trillion   were agricultural land less than a generation   next few years should translate into demand
        GDP in 2015. The median age of China's   ago.”There are some key differences   for several adjacent industries, including
        population in 2000 was 29, compared to   between India and China. The Morgan   housing finance companies and banks,
        India's median of 27 in 2015. In 2000, the   Stanley forecast of 6.75% GDP growth for   construction, and consumer items, such as
        percentage of China's urbanization rate, or   India during the next 10 years is lower than   paint,” says Baisiwala. “We expect these to
        population living in urban areas, was 36%,   the 9.7% growth China achieved in the past   accelerate in volume terms over the next few
        compared to India's 33% in 2015.     15 years. India's mortgage and inflation   years.”
                                             rates also are higher than China's were.  Take the cement industry, for example.
        Generational Jump                                                         Demand for cement in India grew at around
                                             And while India has strengthened the federal   4% annually in recent years, but a 9%
        From 2004, China's property sales market   government's role in its real-estate market,   compound annual growth rate in property
        grew significantly. the country's investment in   the Chinese government took an even larger   volume could drive up demand for cement,
        infrastructure increased 16% annually from   role in the regulation of its property market.   with annual growth accelerating to 5.5%-6%,
        2004-13, culminating in $425 billion in   Additionally, India's dilapidated infrastructure   according to Morgan Stanley. Similarly, with
        annual expenses. In 2015, China's    can be a drag on economic development.  mortgage volumes expected to rise, housing
        urbanization rate reached 56%, and GDP                                    finance companies could draw more
        was $10.9 trillion, second only to the U.S.  Investment Opportunity       investment interest. Morgan Stanley
        “At the time of economic expansion, Chinese                               estimates that India's 9% mortgage-to-GDP
        cities offered a mix of good infrastructure,   While India's property industry will represent   ratio in 2016 could increase to around 17%
        coupled with cheap land and labor.                                        in 2026..
                                             a significant opportunity if the growth
        This attracted investment and led to
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