Page 48 - CONSTRUCTION VISION July August 2017 issue
P. 48
If that wasn't enough, they can improve Augmented reality also allows architects and development from falling behind on schedule.
health and safety on site, as it is easy to planners to work in unison with contractors
The recent developments are quickly pushing
identify and remove any potential hazards or and clients, so they can collaborate on
construction into the 21st century and the
dangers that could pose a risk to construction projects and make alterations before
industry has yet to be completely transformed
workers. Also, drones can heighten a site's execution. The technology can, therefore,
security, as they can monitor for theft or help contractors and clients to save money, by various technological and digital tools.
vandalism, while providing security protection as they can reduce the chance of a
for all employees. Large tech corporations
have already realized the many benefits
drones can bring to construction, which is
why companies such as Intel intend to
develop industrial drones to aid the sector.
There is more to augmented reality than
stepping into virtual haunted houses or
enjoying a rollercoaster ride on the comfort
of your sofa. It is now allowing construction
companies to use both data and images by
placing them within a digitized space, which
can help to identify any potential issues or
As a result, it might be possible to identify
any delays to a schedule so that a company
can take the appropriate preventative
measures for their predicted problems.