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                                                                                           PLEASE CONTAC: RICK GRUCA

                                                                              safety rules are obeyed. That will definitely be a
                                                                              focus for 2020. Thank you again for your partici-
                                                                              pation in the safety perception survey and your
                                                                              efforts to improve Kloeckner Metals’ Safety Pro-
                                                                              gram as both have made a significant difference.

                                                                              Finally, I would like to share that the Executive
                                                                              Team, the Regional General Managers and Re-
                                                                              gional Safety, health and Environmental Man-
                                                                              agers all met recently for a first-ever  “Safety
                                                                              Summit”. During that summit, we began de-
                                                                              fining what a true safety culture at Kloeckner
                                                                              looks like. In short, we all agreed that we must
                                                                              have safety policies and an environment that
                                                                              encourages success, where safety rules are
                                                                              enforced, that everyone  “lives” the standards,
                                                                              where all employees are engaged and aware of
                                                                              safety hazards/risks, where safety comes before
                                                                              profits, where safety is integrated at “Day One”,
                                                                              and where we all are “our teammate’s keeper”.

                                                                              Here’s to a very rewarding and safe 2020. Safety
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