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• Steel II
Our proprietary KMC software, Steel II, is used for almost
everything in our business. Sales, operations, purchasing,
information technology, credit, controlling and more.
Training by Track
• Commercial / Sales
Track Whether you’re new to KMC’s sales team, a com
mercial excellence pro, or even a sales manager, training
is available to you. Access free e-Learning videos, down
load interactive training workbooks, or learn more about
registering for in-person seminars.
• Operations Track
Operational excellence is key to the success of our busi
ness, and our operational workforce is what differentiates
KMC from competitors. If you are a line operator, a new
supervisor, or a manager eager to build skills across all
operational dimensions at Kloeckner, you have (metric)
tons of training options. Online learning and in-person
seminars are available
New Employee Training
Leadership Training
• Online curriculum for Kloeckner Managers • Kloeckner Metals 101
• Required Day 1 Training Checklist
Moving into management for the first time? Been a • Accessing the Learning Management System (LMS).
manager for years without any formal training? Looking • Steel Essentials: An Interactive Workbook for On-the-Job Training
for a quick refresher on essential management topics? • Training for new Commercial or Operational employees
Take a look at the KMC Management E-Learning Curricu
lum and find just what you need.
• In-Person Seminars for Operations Managers
In partnership with the Metals Service Center Institute
(MSCI), Kloeckner supports the development of our man For any questions regarding training please contact:
agers and their functional knowledge, skills, and abilities.
• Management Development Programs
Leadership is hard to master with one single training
event. By participating in a multi-phased program, you
can apply new and refined management skills to your
job, practice using these skills, and get valuable coaching
and support from your Kloeckner network along the way.
These programs range from three to twelve months long
and involve travel.
• Executive Leadership Development Amanda Middendorf Shannon Johnston
As Marshall Goldsmith’s classic book title goes, “what
got you here won’t get you there.’ Even senior leaders
with successful track records can benefit from ongoing
development. Take a look at the offerings that Kloeckner
is proud to support alongside MSCI. *Note, participation
in these programs requires executive sponsorship.