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                                                            New Feature “Offsite Storage View”

                Do you have customers that would benefit from      be  in  different  locations  and  the  customer  may
             seeing  the  location  and  quantity  details  of  ma-  not be aware of this when creating a new release.
             terial  that  is  stored  offsite  for  processing  or  stora-
             ge…?  Well,  Part  Manager  has  a  new  feature  that   The additional location detail will be shown broken
             allows a user profile to be updated so this additio-  out  at  the  shopping  cart  line  level  also  so  or-
             nal information can be added to the Part Overview!    ders  can  be  created  based  on  location  and  var-
                                                                   ying  delivery  dates.  Email  notifications  will  show
             If you have accounts that have some material sto-     multiple  attachments  per  location  so  sales  can
             red at a processor or an offsite storage location this   determine  how  to  best  create  sales  orders.
             additional  detail  can  be  added  to  the  customer’s
             view  by  an  update  to  their  user  account  profile  in   If you have any questions, would like a demonstra-
             the Admin tool. This view may be beneficial if your   tion,  need  assistance  updating  customer’s  profiles
             customer should allow for a different lead-time ba-   or have customers that currently do not use Part Ma-
             sed on material location, or for planning based on    nager but would benefit from this additional feature,
             what  is  on  the  branch  floor  vs  what  is  at  the  pro-  please reach out to Liz Paauwe (lpaauwe@kloeck-
             cessor.  The  current  view  of  parts  shows  a  total as I will be happy to help with detai-
             quantity  per  part  number  while  the  material  may   ls needed to onboard customers to Part Manager.

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