P. 95

Basic Spiritual Care Case Conference Report

           Name:                                      Total Number of Visits with Person:
           Date and Time of Visit:                    Number of Reports Written re: this Person:
           Length of Visit:                           Total Number of Reports:

               1:  PRELIMINARY DATA

            CASC Competency 1.4: Planning: Co-develops with the client(s) a spiritual care plan that complements and is
            integrated with the inter-professional care plan, treatment and interventions

            Record what you know about this patient/family member/staff before this visit.  Summarize
            pertinent information from previous visits.

               2:   INITIAL IMPRESSIONS

            CASC Competency 5: Documentation and Charting: Documents clinical assessments, interventions and
            referrals in a way that is understood by members of the inter-professional team.  Uses clear and concise language
            that respects whole person care. Provides concise statements about the significance of appearance, voice quality,
            and/or non-verbal communication in clinical interactions

            Set the scene and give a word picture of the patient/family member.

               3:  THE VISIT

            CASC Competency 1.1: Theoretical Foundations:  The professional relationship is established upon historical,
            theological, philosophical, spiritual, psychological and socio-cultural frameworks that encompass knowledge of
            human development and transitions in life.

            CASC Competency 1.2: Relational Approach: Provides a relational and patient/family-centred approach to
            assessment and care that sensitively encounters the client(s) and engages them in their healing process.

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