P. 96

CASC Competency1.5: Intervention: Provides a variety of interventions and approaches to spiritual care related
            to needs assessment and co-developed inter-professional care plans.

            CASC Competency 4:Multi-Dimensional Communication: Employs communication strategies that include
            active and attentive listening, awareness of the non-verbal, appropriateness, and relevant content.

            CASC Competency 6: Brokering Diversity: Understands, values, promotes diversity and inclusion, and advocates
            for equitable care. Provides care that takes into account culture, bias, and the specific needs of clients.

            This is to be as nearly verbatim an account as possible, coming from your memory.  You are not
            Allowed to tape record or take notes during your visit.  Do the best you can.  Report (in brackets)
            pauses, interruptions, facial expressions, sounds, actions and other clues, which reveal the
            relationship between you and the patient during the visit. What are you feeling and thinking
            during the visit?  Remember save interpretations until later.  Record prayers in full.

            Use numbers in groupings, example: Sp1, Pt1, N1; Sp2, Pt2, Sp3
            Sp = Spiritual Care Professional
            Pt = Patient
            N = Nurse
            S= Son
            D =Daughter
            P/S = Patner/spouse

            Sp1:  Hello, Mrs. Doe.  I’m Skywalker from Spiritual Care.  I am part of the interprofessional team on
                this unit and I thought I’d stop by to see how things are going with you? (The phone rang and when
                the patient answered it she spoke in a low voice.  I was aware I felt anxious and wondered if I should
                excuse myself.)
            P1:  Well pretty good.  Glad you came by.
            Sp2:  Goodbye Mrs. Doe.
            P2:  Thank you for coming.  This time has meant a lot to me.

               4: PERSONAL PREPARATION

            CASC Competency 1.2: Relational Approach: Provides a relational and patient/family-centred approach to
            assessment and care that sensitively encounters the client(s) and engages them in their healing process.

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