Page 23 - RKJ 2019 Slide Version
P. 23
wasn’t that Merlose was an unkind person, or minutes, he had a decent sketch of the onion-
that he disliked his job. However, there were beasts, and he started on smaller, more
some things Einar could do without, such as detailed sections. As he did this, Merlose came
scaling cliffs that hung over the base, getting quite close to the onion-beasts, which
The Adventures of Merlose attacked by strange creatures, and almost regarded her kindly.
by Jeremy Levesque (Kupo) dying. With heavy heart, Einar found the
minute handholds Merlose had used and “Mayhap I can attain greater foresight with a
Trudging through the Paramina Rift, the followed her up. small bout of beast-taming.” Turning to her
Naturalist paused. Shielding her face with the scribe, she grinned. “What say thee?”
edge of her cloak, Callo Merlose looked at the And it was a good thing he had, because
Einar stared in horror. “What say I? I say
top of the ledge. Near the edge of the ridge, twice while climbing up, she slipped, and would thou want to anger the beasts. I say leave the
there stood what appeared to be a merry band have been seriously injured if had she not
of… onions? Looking closer, Merlose saw that found another place for her foot… namely, his onions be!” Ignoring her scribe, the Naturalist
they were, indeed, walking onions. Hopping face. When this happened, she would turn faced the nearest onion. Kneeling in front of it,
about in a strange sort of way, a most unusual around, apologize with a smile, then continue she muttered a few words; Einar watched on in
absolute terror, not knowing how they would
looking gap between the upper and lower climbing. When they reached the top, Einar
halves of their onion heads was observable. was freezing and hurting due to the cold and respond. Merlose was a famed woman for
double-boot to the face. many reasons. She was a great linguist, a
“Found something, Merlose?” fantastic sword master, and an expert
At least that’s over, he thought. Looking naturalist. The former was due to her ability to
Merlose turned to her assistant Einar over, Einar saw Merlose crouching next to the Beast-Tame. Being such a gifted Beast-Tamer,
Kejani. “Tis some form of strange onion-beast. small onion-beasts. As Einar walked over, she she could control creatures, given they didn’t
Let us get a closer view.” Turning back to the turned around. have too strong a will, or that the creature was
cliff side, Merlose investigated the expanse of willing to allow such a mental invasion, though
rock in front of her. “Finally caught up? Excellent. Dost thou such instances were rare. Such a gift is
have pen ready?” As Einar scrambled to find generally looked on as negative by beasts,
Einar started toward her. “Merlose, thou his pen and journal, Merlose turned back however. This was why Einar was so fearful.
must be jesting. This cliff—” towards the creatures. “The locals know
legends of such beasts. Those in Paramina As Merlose chanted longer and faster, the
Merlose cut him off. “Shush.” Then, Rift tell of how these creatures have acquired beasts became more and more agitated,
muttering to herself, she started to explore the such large, gaping mouths.” jumping about more, growling with greater
crevices of the wall. “If I could just… Yes, this intensity, and looking on with hostile eyes.
will do. And then? Yes, yes.” With journal out, Einar took a moment to Merlose finished her incantations, and
stare at the creatures. They were indeed suddenly everything was eerily quiet. The
Einar’s heart sank. Once Merlose had an strange creatures, without even a small hinge onions had stopped jumping and shouting, and
idea in mind, there was no stopping her. holding together the top and bottom portions of were now staring very darkly at Merlose. To
“Merlose, it may be best to find another way…” the onion head, giving them their huge mouths. them she had just committed a most heinous
he halfheartedly interjected, knowing his It had a single, large eye set in its face. Upon crime, and her punishment was about to be
opinion, at the moment, was naught but a its bodice, it wore a green jacket with a collar delivered.
whisper in the wind. that covered the entirety of the bottom part of
the head. It hopped about in a strange way, Opening her eyes, Merlose smiled at Einar.
“Nonsense!” Merlose cried, “Tis for the making queer little noises as it moved about. Then the onions attacked.
future of Ivalice, is it not?” Turning to Einar,
she gave him a wide, proud grin, then faced “What think thee?” asked Merlose. “Most Some opened their mouths, giving a
the wall. Grabbing the nearest handhold, she peculiar creatures.” disorienting high-pitched shriek that burst
hoisted herself up, then found the next tiny Einar’s eardrums. The others tackled Einar and
ledge her hand could grip and kept climbing. “Yes they are,” replied Einar, scribbling as Merlose, which wouldn’t normally be a
Which meant Einar would have to follow. It fast and accurately as possible. After a couple problem, but they were woozy. Knocked to the