Page 24 - RKJ 2019 Slide Version
P. 24

ground,  being  beaten  on  all  sides,  Einar               Throwing  his  hands  in  the  air,  Einar               Inspecting  the  shrine,  Einar  suddenly
            thought  this  was  his  deathbed.  Suddenly              advanced  on  Merlose.  “I  expect  thee  not  to        paused. “Did thee feel that?” Puzzled, Merlose
            Merlose  appeared  above  him,  grinning  her             understand!  In  times  past,  thine  assistants         shook her head. “The ground shook… There it
            self-confident  smile.  “What  art  thou  doing  on       have  either  found  another  job  or  found             is again! Doth thee feel it now?”
            the  ground?  Best  not  be  laying  and  sniveling       themselves dead. I value thine friendship,  but
            about. We have  work to  do!” Hauling him up,             my  life  I  value  also.”  Turning  away  from             Nodding  now,  Merlose  quickly  pulled  Einar
            she  helped  Einar  escape  the  mob  of  onions,         Merlose,  Einar  said,  more  quietly,  “If  thou        up.  “Let  us  go.  With  haste.”  Heading  for  the
            and  together  they  fled,  with  the  vegetables  in     cannot  stop  endang’ring  our  lives,  then  this       passageway, they found their way blocked by
            tow. Slowly, they gained ground as the onions             truly will be my last expedition.” For a moment,         a large, shadowy beast. As it lunged at them,
            let  them  escape.  Luckily,  most  creatures  are        all was silent. Then, Einar heard sniffling from         Merlose shouted a Word of Confusion, yanking
            content just chasing enemies away, and these              behind.  Turning  back  to  face  Merlose,  Einar        Einar  out  of  the  way  and  into  the  nearest
            beasts were just the same. Once they had fully            was amazed to see tears streaming down her               shrine.  The  Word,  however,  only  lasted  a
            escaped  the  creatures,  they  took  a  break,           face. The immensely brave, impossibly strong,            moment, barely buying them time to flee.
            leaning  on  their  knees  and  catching  their           highly  famed  Naturalist  Callo  Merlose  was
            breath.                                                   crying for… him.                                            Staring  out  at  it,  they  watched  it  circle  the
                                                                                                                               shrine.  “What  is  it?”  asked  Einar.  Merlose,
                “Very    interesting,”   muttered     Merlose.           “I am so, so sorry, my friend. Please forgive         however,  was  ready.  “I  shall  name  this  beast
            Whirling  to  face  Einar,  she  said,  “Thou  art        me.  I  thought  not  for  thine  needs.  I  really  do   the Giruvenagus. Tis a hideous beast, but truly
            ready to make the entry?” Silently, still catching        value  thine  friendship  and  hard  work.  Please,      the  king  of  the  Feywood.”  At  this  point,  Einar
            his breath, Einar slowly grabbed his journal out          even if thee quit, give me this last venture, at         realized  that  this  was  a  bestiary  entry,  and
            of his pack and readied his pen. Barely waiting           the  least.”  Staring  at  each  other,  they  stayed    started scribbling madly in his journal. “It hath
            for  Einar  to  finish  doing  as  told,  Merlose         silent.  Finally,  Einar  nodded  and,  wordlessly,      that hideous Mist,  which spilleth forth from its
            started.  “This  beast  shall  be  named  the  Wild       they packed up their gear and traveled deeper            dark  core  raiseth  a  mirage  before  the  eyes,
            Onion. It weareth its skin in layers, much like to        into the Paramina Rift.                                  and I am blind with fear and apprehension, for
            the  root  of  similar  name,  perhaps  for  the                                                                   its nebulous form is madness incarnate. I pray
            proffering  of  protection  ‘gainst  the  cold.”                                   ***                             that my skill with the blade faileth me not in this
            Pausing  for  a  second,  she  allowed  him  just                                                                  most  dire  circumstance.”  Pausing,  she  turned
            enough  time  to  catch  up  before  plowing  on.         After  traversing  the  rest  of  the  Paramina  Rift,   to  Einar  and  smiled.  “Regardless  of  what
            “Men  say  the  great  gaping  orifice  on  its  face     entering  the  Feywood,  and  fighting  through          happens, make sure thee escape. Our work is
            was  gouged  by  a  shard  of  ice  born  of  a           hordes of monsters, Einar and Merlose arrived            too  important.”  With  that,  she  charged  the
            midsummer blizzard. Though its former mouth               at the Edge of Reason. All around were huge,             beast.
            was  passing  small,  befitting  naught  but  low         snow  covered  cliffs,  several  strange  shrines,
            whimp'ring, its  prodigious  new one screameth            and  a  lot  of  monsters.  The  adventurers  just                                ***
            full loud and full much as the foul beast could           stood, taking it all in.
            want, thence earning it its name. While docile                                                                     Einar  stood  stock-still,  clutching  his  journal  to
            when left be, they be a most hostile race when               “This is it,” breathed Merlose. “The Edge of          his  chest.  Indecision  rocked  his  core.  Should
            angered.”                                                 Reason.  Said  to  be  the  entrance  to  the  gods      he  leave,  taking  the  information  with  him,
                                                                      themselves.”  Turning  to  Einar,  who  was  busy        ensuring  future  adventurers  have  some
                Einar  regarded  the  entry.  “Well,  tis  an         inspecting  a  shrine,  she  asked,  “What  have         potentially life-saving knowledge? Or should he
            excellent  entry,  that  much  is  for  certain.          thou found?”                                             stay, fight with Merlose, save her? The safest
            However,”  he  started,  rounding  on  Merlose,                                                                    bet would be to leave, ensuring the information
            “What,  in  the  name  of  Ultima,  were  thee               Turning  to  her,  Einar  looked  really  excited.    got  out.  Leave  Merlose,  his  best  and  only
            thinking!  Thou  nearly  got  us  killed!”  Callo         “It seems these shrines are some kind of lock            friend?  One  of  the  greatest  female  figures  of
            Merlose frowned, confused, at Einar.                      for  a  magical  mechanism.  The  Gateway  to            the time, his best friend, needed his help, and
                                                                      Giruvegan, to the Gods themselves, may be a              Einar realized that, despite what he thought, he
                “Wherefore doth thou speak of this? Did we            real  thing.”  Turning  around  he  murmured,            could never leave Callo Merlose, even with the
            not learn much from the Onions?”                          “How, though?”                                           inherent  dangers  of  adventuring  with  her.  He
                                                                                                                               would  continue  by  her  side  for  the  rest  of  his
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