Page 88 - Knots in Use (1st Edition)
P. 88
Tug on their exposed ends to tighten the eye. Cut the ends off close and milk
the sheath to hide them.
There are two ways to finish off. Either, unbraid the empty tail of sheath
back to the throat and pull individual strands (or small groups of strands)
down under the main part of the sheath below the throat, just like the
three core strands. Spread these strands around the rope and cut them to
random lengths, milking the sheath to hide their ends. This is a very tedious
and often extremely difficult operation (because of the quantity of material
crowding in below the throat), but gives a neat, tidy and very secure result.
Or, if you can’t manage that process, cut the length of the sheath down and
cover it with a tight whipping like that on page 82.
27/06/2013 14:23
Knots in Use 4th Edition.indd 87 27/06/2013 14:23
Knots in Use 4th Edition.indd 87