Page 10 - Peter Owen - Knots
P. 10
Rope should be chosen according to the situation for which it will be used
Mat~rial Diame-kr 1In : 25.4mm o
- considering carefully both the material and the type (braided or laid- c
up). 6mm 5510 .... ~
Pu"""" .....,. aramldcore 2_ o
Material purpose CUmbing Towing AnChorage Moon"" Halyards Fishing nykJn, 3-strand 1650 2980 4590
Polyester X X X polyester, 3·strand 1250 22'0 3500
polyester, 16-brald 2200 3750 5730
""'" X X X X X X ~,3-strand 1100 2000 3000
"". X X poIythene, 3-strand 880 1540 2400
Sealing ends Before coiling it, always make sure thai the
When you buy synthetic rope (TOm a chandlery, rope is dry, even if it is synthetic. If it has been
an electrically heated knife is used to cut the in sea water, rinse it with fresh water to remove
rope to Ihe required length. This gives a sharp any deposits of salt. At the end of the season,
edge and seals the end. When you cut synthetic wash ropes thoroughly in a detergent, carefully
rope yourself, however, you will probably use removing any oil or tar stains with petrol or
an ordinary sharp knife and then melt the end trichloroethylene.
of the rope with a cigarette lighter or an electric Tying knots weakens ropes. The sharper the
ring. curve and the tighter the nip, the greater is the
chance that the rope will break, and when it
looking after rope does so it will break immediately outside the
Rope is expensive so always look after it. Try to knot. Many often-used knots are surprisingly
avoid dragging it over sharp or rough edges, or harmful to rope, the worst offender being the
over surfaces where particles of dirt and grit simple overhand knot (see page 12). Never use
will penetrate the fibers. Do not force rope into two ropes of different materials together
harsh kinks. Use floating lines only for rescue because only the more rigid of the two will
work, light buoys, etc. work under strain.
The junction of coiling is that
th~ ropt will be immediately
ufll'SSibJl'ulld u7I/a7lgll'd
whell 1I=l1'd. Coiltd rupt is Ill:
usl'jul if you want to sling the \
rope on your backpack OT OWl"
your shouldl'r.
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