Page 12 - Peter Owen - Knots
P. 12


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                                   This group of knots is most often used to prevent the end

                                   of a length of rope, string or small stuff slipping through   HEAVING  lltlE
         OVERHANO  KNOT                                                                              KtlOT
                                    an eye or a hole. Stopper knots can also be used to bind

                                   the end of a line so that it will not unravel, and they can

                                  also be used as decoration.  At sea they are frequently used

                                   to weight lines or on running rigging, and they are also

                                          used by climbers, campers and fishermen.               f i GURE  EIGHT
         OVERHAtlO  lOOP
                                   The simple overhand knot, which is the basis of so many

                                    other knots,  is a stopper knot.  Sailors tend to Ilse the

                                        Jigure eight knot for general use and multiple

                                        overhand knots to weigh down or decorate the

            "-"                                        ends of knots.
                                                        •  •  •

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