Page 17 - Peter Owen - Knots
P. 17

•             IZS  FIGURE EIGHT KNOT

                                             Also knmon as: FLEMISH KNOT,  SAVOY KNOT

                                             This interlacing knot has for long been regarded
                                             as an emblem of interwoven affection,
                                             appearing in heraldry as the symbol of faithful
                                             love. It also appears in the arms of the House of
                                               The knot, which is made in the end of a line,
                                             with the upper loop around the standing pari
                                             and the lower loop around the working end, is
                                             widely used by sailors on the running rigging .

                                                       ... _ ..




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                          This popular decorative
                          chain can be made, quite
                          simply, by making a
                          series of figure-of-eight
                          knots all in the same
                          dire<:tion. II can be used
                          as a belt or strap (or ...
                          shoulder bag.

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