Page 15 - April 2021
P. 15

fifteen days before and fifteen days
        after the change of season comes on.

        This diet should consist of a warm,
        soupy foods made of barley, mung dhal,

        cooked vegetables, white or red rice
        and warming spices such as turmeric,
        black pepper, pipalli, hing, cumin and

        coriander. Repeating a mung dhal or
        kitcharee fast once a week during the

        spring is a great way to keep kapha at bay.
        Drinking warm or hot water or chai tea
        made with ginger, cinnamon, cardamom,

        or cloves also works to breakdown and
        eliminate the excess kapha. Having a shot

        of fresh ginger, turmeric and aloe vera in
        the morning provides the added benefit                 helps soothe nasal passages and supports
        of igniting the slow digestive fire and                mental clarity. Nasya should not be used

        removing toxins.                                       by pregnant or menstruating females.
                                                               Nasal rinse or neti pot use clears the nasal

        Avoid Aggravating Foods & Allergens.  passages of allergens, dust and mucus by
        In addition to avoiding known outdoor                  pouring warm salt water over them.
        allergens such as grasses and pollens,

        it’s best to avoid foods which aggravate               Gargles. Gargling with warm salt water
        kapha (heavy, oily, sweet and cooling                  with a tiny pinch of turmeric, neem

        foods) such as: meats, seafoods, dairy                 or ginger adds the benefit of natural
        products like milk, yogurt, ice cream                  antimicrobials.
        and cheese, wheat, cucumber, coconut,

        watermelon and anything sugary. It’s also  Ayurvedic Herbs. There are many herbs
        a good practice to eat a light, energizing             which pacify kapha and other aggravated

        meal for breakfast, a light but nourishing  doshas during allergy season. All are best
        meal for dinner at least two hours before  used under the guidance of an ayurvedic
        bedtime, and have the biggest meal at                  practitioner. These include: Trikatu,

        midday when the digestive fire is highest.   Punarnava, Triphala, Ginger, Sitopaladi,
                                                               Talisadi, Bibhitaki, and others.

        Nasya & Nasal Rinse. Using 2 to 3
        drops of sesame oil or a tridoshic herbal              About three years ago, I found myself
        oil in your nares daily in the morning                 suffering from horrible allergies. I

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