Page 38 - February 2021
P. 38

Cooking for Healing: Kidney Cleanse

       Creamy Asparagus


                                                                                  Stephanie Davidian

             Asparagus is a powerhouse of health. It is full of vitamins A and C, as well as

              nutrients that aid eyes, skin and the immune system. It is also great for the
                                             supporting kidney health.


        Two to three pounds of asparagus                       Heat a soup pot over medium heat.
        One shallot                                            Sautee the onion until tender. Add
        One clove of garlic                                    the garlic, asparagus and the serrano

        Two tablespoons of olive oil                           pepper (if using) and sautee for
        Four cups of chicken or vegetable broth                another 4-5 minutes. Add the broth

        Coconut or almond milk                                 and milk and bring to a boil. Once
        One half serrano pepper (optional)                     boiling, cover the pot and bring down
        Salt and pepper                                        to a low simmer until the asparagus are

                                                               very tender.

                                                               Using an immersion blender, blend the
        Mince the garlic and chop the shallot and  soup. Season with salt and pepper to
        serrano (if using). Chop the woody ends  taste.

        off the asparagus, or bend them until
        they snap naturally.                                   Enjoy!

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