Page 35 - February 2021
P. 35

WEEDS                                                  and I support wholeheartedly your right to
                                                               personal sovereignty of all kinds, up to the

        You are different in your mood of late.  It            point when your sovereignty overtakes mine,
        is hard to pinpoint exactly what caused                but alas those are more difficult topics.

        the change.  The mysterious grows more
        mysterious at times.  This is a difficult              THE INNER MAN
        thing to process, no doubt of that.  How

        you walk through a normal life with this               I do not think that any man who lives can
        reality is baffling for even me to discover            deny the levels of emotion within him.  We

        and of course from here we see that it                 have each felt every emotion be it anger,
        is all quite real and valid.  From your                rage, jealousy, loneliness, compassion, or
        perspective it is so much more like a                  love.  All emotions are expressions of the God

        dream, like something that is experienced              force that is at work on this planet.  Perhaps
        but is never thought of in real terms, or              the truest expression is the combination of all

        acknowledged as existing at all, and yet               of these, the mixing of all into a healthy pot.
        spirit is there, always there, and people are
        tripping over it, walking into it, walking             At the pond I would make stew, some part

        through it.  In your case, gentle you who              of this and some part of that, all stirred
        sometimes warms to it, talking as you                  together to create a delicious brew.  It is

        lie in bed to the one in spirit.  That is a            the blending of the different seasonings
        pretty picture to me, a dear exchange                  that make such a fine stew, and that is
        and you should view it in that way.  Do                a metaphor that should be understood

        not question those moments, they are                   for every aspect of life.  It is the mixing
        well received, and well experienced in the             of the various cultures and ideas and

        loving way they are intended.  Most of the  perspectives on life that make the finest
        weeds in your garden if overlooked will                and truest brew.
        simply fade away.  There are only weeds

        as you allow them to grow.  I say, grow no  No one who claims a particular
        more weeds!                                            perspective should claim that perspective

                                                               as the only worthy one.  There isn’t
        It amuses me that you have taken on the                only one perspective or one path in life.
        challenge presented to you, although at first          There are many different paths available

        you fought fiercely against it.  I, too, was           for many different people.  It is up to
        like you, fighting authority in all forms.             the individual to find the best path for

        You must not ever tell me what to do, I                themselves, and that is what I advocate
        knew what I should do, knew what was                   most.  The more variety, the more
        best.  I suppose in many ways I did know               knowledge, the more experience of the

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