Page 30 - February 2021
P. 30

Holy Five Healing Chutney

        I was given this recipe by my Native                   and a fungicide and is famous for its use
        American spiritual brother, Red Medicine               in treating high blood pressure, lowering

        - Artie Crippen. He told me if you ate a               cholesterol, fighting cancer, stimulating
        tablespoon a day, you would be taking care  immune system.

        of all your organs, and would be healthy
        and strong. So, I put it to the google test,           Onions are a member of the allium family
        and wow, after looking up what each                    making them high in flavonoids. Good for:

        item did, I understood why he swears to                infections, digestion, eyes, joints. It helps
        this chutney. Make it on a new moon to                 with flu, colds, blood pressure, asthma,

        increase the healing power of the herbs.               allergies, blood clotting, and tumors.
                                                               Onion is antibiotic, anti-inflammatory,
        Fresh garlic has many active constituents  antimicrobial, effective against bacillus

        including alliin, allicin, alliinase and               subtilis, salmonella and E. coli.
        unique sulfur compounds responsible for

        garlic’s potency as an antibiotic, anti-viral  Horseradish and their greens provide an
                                                               excellent source of vitamin.

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