Page 27 - February 2021
P. 27

sensation, choose to focus on one part                 Point colour of choice…spend some time

        of who you are which you feel happy                    strongly visioning this colour as you bask
        with. And it doesn’t matter how small or  in the warmth of the feeling.

        seemingly unimportant this single facet
        may appear to be. One brilliant fraction               6. Let’s see how you can bring that warm
        of all that makes up the whole of you,                 feeling into other parts of your life

        which works so well for you and always                 and begin to transform through love. I
        makes you feel at ease within and happy.  mean wouldn’t it be amazing to feel this

        One selected piece of the myriad of you                fabulous across the entire spectrum of the
        which sits so beautifully with you that                rainbow of you? Let’s make this happen…
        would never wish to change it in any way.

                                                               7. Still focussing deeply on the amazing
        4. Enjoy the warmth of the emotion                     feelings associated with this part of you that

        as you concentrate all your attention                  feels wonderful, now seen together with
        entirely on how this wonderful part of                 the colour this feeling is associated with…
        you makes you feel when you think to                   slowly begin to re-align your attention to

        feel deeply about it. Spend at least five              instead think about some other aspect of
        minutes keeping the thought, the feeling,  yourself that you sense needs some definite

        central to your feelings.                              work. Maybe this can be something you
                                                               dislike in your own reactions to situations
        5. Next, you need to apply a colour to                 or a habitual pattern of thinking you

        that feeling. It does not matter what                  empathically know has outlived its time.
        colour that might be, one which just

        seems right to your intuition is the                   8. It is important here to only
        perfect choice. This wonderful feeling                 concentrate on the one area you sense
        now imaged together with your Happy                    needs work for this session.

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