Page 32 - February 2021
P. 32

Channeling the Spirit of

        David HenryThoreau


        Henry David Thoreau was a 19th century

        American writer and philosopher. He
        wrote several books and essays during                  would understand who that spirit was and

        his lifetime but is best known for his                 why it was that she had always felt so drawn
        book, Walden and for his essay known as  to the Boston area and to Concord in

        Civil Disobedience. Thoreau’s philosophy  particular. So, why would Thoreau return?
        of civil disobedience influenced the                   What more could he have to say?
        political thoughts and actions of such

        notable figures as Leo Tolstoy, Mahatma                On a Sunday in November of 2006,
        Gandhi, and Martin                                     McIntyre’s connection with Thoreau
        Luther King Jr. His                                    began with the words,

        simple manner of living
        that he wrote about in                                 “I am born, David Henry Thoreau, in

        Walden and his plea in                                 this American town, in this place called
        defense of the rights of                               Concord.”
        man have influenced

        millions of people.                                    Cathryn McIntyre shares her story and
                                                               the words she received from the spirit

        In 1984, Cathryn McIntyre moved to                     of Thoreau in a most beautiful and
        Massachusetts. She settled in the hometown  inspiring way in her book, The Thoreau
        of David Henry Thoreau, Concord, when                  Whisperer: Channeling the Spirit of Henry

        she first encountered a spirit during a                David Thoreau.
        psychic reading at a home near Walden

        Pond. The sprit said he wanted to work                 Excerpt from the book The Thoreau
        with her.  It would be decades before she              Whisperer by Cathryn McIntyre

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