Page 35 - May 2022
P. 35

European economy. This period is also                  April 29 – May 8: Significant changes that
        good for progress in technical fields                  might occur in religious, academic and
        (new innovations and discoveries) and                  social fields.  Initial reaction to the change

        religious reconciliation.                              might appear to be a bit confusing and
        The countries that are more likely to                  perhaps chaotic, but majority of us are

        be affected during this month are:                     going to embrace this new wave of change
        Russia, Ukraine, the United States,                    and are very likely to enjoy it.
        Europe, China and the Middle Eastern

        countries, especially Israel and Palestine

                     Planetary Energies for Individuals

        Neptune-Mars conjunction (May 17-                      active in your life via your Gochar (tran-

        19)                                                    sit) chart, then you are perhaps standing
        This short 3-day period may turn out                   on the thresh-hold of a new era that’s

        to be deadly for those who have unfa-                  about to begin in your life. Depending
        vorable placing of Mars with respect to                on the houses these planets occupy in

        Neptune in their natal charts.  Expect                 your birth chart, you are going to have a
        subtle but very strong and negative forc-              totally new and a very different experi-
        es working against you that might bring                ence in that particular field. Be ready to

        you misfortune. Stay low key and avoid                 accept this new setting with new chal-
        taking any unwanted or unnecessary                     lenges as well as the rewards that come

        risk.  For those who have well placed                  with them.
        Neptune-Mars configurations in their
        birth charts would likely to be rewarded               Jagdish Maheshri

        with fame and good times.                              Professional Vedic Astrologer

                                                               For more information about services and
        Pluto-Jupiter ninefold opposition (May                 classes, please visit

        If Jupiter and Pluto in your natal chart

        are either in conjunction or opposition,
        and if either of these planets is currently                Schedule a personal consultation

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