Page 34 - May 2022
P. 34

Global Insights........

        The important challenges for May                       conflicts.

        include:                                               May 17-19: Heightened covert activities
        March 20 - May 30:  A strong                           around the world. China and Russia

        possibility of political turmoil in the                are likely to experience some drastic
        United States of America, Russia and/or  changes in their political arenas
        China as well as tensions rising among                 influencing the psyche of these nations

        these nations.                                         at a deeper level.
        April 19 - May 11: A sudden change

        (either positive or negative) in                       The important auspicious possibilities
        relationship between USA and Russia                    for May include:
        and at the same time magnificent                       April 29 – May 8:  Significant changes

        advances in science and technology                     that might occur in religious, academic,
        through innovations, inventions, and                   and social fields.  Initial reaction to

        discoveries.                                           the change might appear to be a bit
        April 29 - June 18:  This period doesn’t               confusing and perhaps chaotic, but
        bode well for China and Russia from the  majority of us are going to embrace this

        economy and social stability standpoint. new wave of change and are very likely
        May 13 - June 4:   Ongoing violence in                 to enjoy it.

        Ukraine and an outbreak of violence                    May 1-8: Positive changes in religious
        and terrorist activities in the Middle                 and academic and to some extent social
        East, especially in Israel and Palestine               fields. Initial reaction to the change

        region. Also, the occurrences of natural  might appear to be a bit confusing and
        as well as man-made calamities are                     perhaps chaotic, but majority of us

        likely. Some of the east-European                      are going to embrace this new wave of
        countries, Russia, and China may                       change and are likely to enjoy it.
        experience political as well as social                 May 7-17: An extraordinary time

        turmoil.                                               for technological discoveries and
        May 22-30: Covert activities around the  inventions.  Expect some new important

        world may find a new momentum (but                     technological breakthroughs during
        because of Neptune’s secretive character,  this month. For the United States,
        we may never know) with regard to                      in general, this month is going to be

        terrorism and other international                      remarkably successful month.
                                                               May 15 – June 8: A good period for

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