Page 29 - May 2022
P. 29

A Total Lunar Eclipse (May 15/16)

        A total lunar eclipse occurs on May 16,                 to be unfavorable for those who have
        approximately during the hours of 1:30                  sidereal Aries or Libra rising or Aries or

        to 6:30 GMT.  This eclipse will be visible              Libra as moon sign.
        in Europe, Middle East and Africa,                      For those who have the lunar nodes in

        the North and the South American                        conjunction with either Sun or Moon
        continents and parts of Western Asia.                   in their natal charts, should watch-
                                                                out.  It’s probably not a good day. Take

        This eclipse is important since the Sun                 extra precaution and avoid any sort of
        and Moon will be within 3 degrees from                  new activity or new venture during the

        Rahu and Ketu respectively, and will last  eclipse.
        for about 4 to 6 hours. The eclipse will
        occur with the Southern or descending                   On world scene, Europe, Middle East,

        node Ketu, in the sidereal zodiac sign                  Western Africa, the United States,
        Libra and the ascending node Rahu                       Canada, South America, Mexico and

        in Aries. Consequently this eclipse,                    Pacific Island region including Hawaii,
        according to Vedic astrology, is likely                 might experience undesirable events.

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