Page 26 - May 2022
P. 26


                    Astrological Insights for May 2022

        Overview                                               In my opinion, until Saturn completely
                                                               leaves sidereal Capricorn (about April

        The month of May continues to carry                    2023) Ukraine conflict is not going to go
        the unprecedented effects due to the                   away.  About the same period also likely

        energy of Capricorn Pluto, Saturn’s                    applies to Covid 19.  Until Saturn returns
        entry in Aquarius on April 28 and the                  to Capricorn mid July 2022, it may seem
        simultaneous Pisces ingress of Neptune                 that Covid-19 is on its way out. Although

        and Jupiter. Some of the manifestations                not very intense, Covid-19 is likely to stay
        of these energies will be reflected in                 with us till April 2023.

        the continued Russia-Ukraine war and
        senseless killing, unsettling political                Other significant planetary events that
        climate in the USA, Europe and other                   might affect us more at individual level for

        areas of world and dangerous climatic                  May includes Mercury turning retrograde
        conditions around the globe. Ironically at  (May 10 – June 3) and a total lunar eclipse

        the same time, our collective subtle march  on May 15/16 which will be visible in
        towards spiritual growth not only remains  Europe, Middle East, Africa, the North
        unabated but gets accelerated.                         and the South American continents, and

                                                               parts of Western Asia.

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