Page 21 - May 2022
P. 21
Monthly Challenge
Make Meditation
Your Daily Routine
If someone would ask me what is the They are easy and don’t require any
most useful subject to learn to live a especial equipment. One of the easiest
meaningful life, my answer will be, ways to access our magic is through
“Learn Astrology.” If someone would ask meditation.
me what the most powerful technique
is to live a happy and fulfilling life, my My daily meditations have made me
answer will be, “Daily Meditation.” very innovative to the extent that there
is NO problem I can’t solve in the areas I
I know that in our indigo community, am energetically invested in. My psychic
there are many who meditate. Great! abilities have grown – I think meditation
Let’s have all of us on board! is here to thank. I know who is calling
me without looking at the phone, or I
The benefits of meditation are numerous somehow know what reply I will get to my
and well-known. Well-researched too! email. I can “scan” people quite accurately
What many people don’t realize is that now, and I can separate True from False
we, as humans, possess an amazing pretty easily without digging into research.
technology built in within us. We all Recently it felt like I began channeling
have miraculous God-given capabilities during meditations. I don’t know what
that are longing to be tapped into. From the next surprise is going to be, but it feels
lowering blood pressure, improving great to be human in its full sense. Have I
mental health to boosting creativity and convinced you to try meditating daily?
restoring memory, daily meditations
make you calmer, happier, and wiser. Katerina