Page 10 - July 2022
P. 10

Cancer – the Mother

        The sign of Cancer which is the fourth                 adept at making a comfortable nest, a
        sign of the zodiac (approximately                      warm home, a place to belong.

        June 22nd through July 22nd) and
        developmentally from about eight to                    Like the ever-changing  Moon, Cancer’s
        twelve years old (adolescence) where                   fluctuating moods and feelings can at

        we begin to have the ability to contain                times overpower them, and they will
        feelings. Cancers ruled by the Moon                    retreat to their inner world like a crab

        (symbolic of our mother) are highly                    which is their symbol. Self-protective,
        emotional, sympathetic and tender                      tending towards introversion, they will
        hearted. Cancer’s most important need is  come at you indirectly or sideways like

        to be emotionally close and connected in  the movements of the crab. They are
        a loving, caring way offering their loved              masters at indirect assertion, but they are

        ones protection and devotion. They enjoy  still a cardinal sign (outgoing), like Aries,
        being nurtured too sometimes to the                    Libra, and Capricorn, only their way is
        point of being needy, possessive of your               much more sensitive to the feelings of

        time with others and clingy.                           those around them. To be truly happy,
                                                               they need others to need them — their

        This very sentimental sign is the one                  unique way of offering maternal love,
        most concerned with home and family,                   loyalty, and protection.
        and to a large degree if you marry a

        Cancer, you are also marrying their                    Now what can be in the Shadow?
        family. Spending quality time with family  The opposite is the sign of Capricorn

        will be important to them. They are                    which describes the Father principal,

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